
Kerala Crab Curry - AFF Indian Subcontinent

10:03 PTG

I found   Kerala Crab Curry recipe from Chitrangada's kitchen :  Color and Spices.  I am interested to try cooking it. I really enjoyed it! My new experience for using freshly made paste which was amazing. You can try it for your self. Hi Chitrangada... thanks for sharing this delicious recipe!

Recipe : Kerala Crab Curry
Source : Color and Spices

blue crabs : 4
onion (sliced) : 1cup
garlic (chopped) : 1/2 tbsp
ginger (grated) : 1/2 tbsp
tomato : 1 large
green chilies (chopped) : 2 (optional)
cumin seeds (crushed) : 1tsp
coriander seeds (crushes) : 1 tsp
curry leaves : 10-12
dried red chilies : 5-6
whole garam masala : 1 stick cinnamon, 2-3 cardamon, 3-4 cloves
star anise : 2
thick coconut milk : 1/2 cup
red chili powder : 2 tsp
turmeric powder : 1 tsp
garam masalah powder : 1/2 tsp
palm jaggery / sugar : 1 tbsp
salt to taste
mustard oil 

1. Smear salt and turmeric powder to the crab ( body, legs and claws), set aside for 20 -30 min.
2. Heat oil in a kadai or pan, fry the crab pieces for 2 - 3 minutes on high heat. Keep them aside.
3. Add more oil if neede in the same kadai or pan. When the oil is hot add the sliced onions. Cook till transparent. Add chopped garlic and cook for 1 - 2 min. Add grated ginger , mix well and cook for 2 min. Deseed the tomato,  chop it. Add the chopped tomatoes and chopped green chilies (if you are using them). Add salt.Cover the pan and cook till the tomatoes are done. Add crushed cumin  and coriander seeds. Cook for few more minutes. Switch of the heat. Let it cool down. Tranfer the masala to a food prosessor or a mixed grinder and makes a smooth paste.
4. In a fresh pan, add mustard oil, when the oil is hot add curry leaves, whole garam masala, star anise and dry red chilies. Cook on medium - high heat for 1 - 2 min. Add the freshly made paste. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 3 - 4 min. Add turmeric powder, red chili powder (you can use khasmiri red chili powder, if you want the dish to be less hot) , and the palm jaggery ( you substitute that with plain sugar), cook for 2 -3 min. Add the fried crabs, cover and cook on low - medium heat for 5 min. Add coconut milk, mix well.
5. Check the seasoning, adjust accordingly. Cover and cook on low - medium heat for another 5 min. Switch off heat. Sprinkle garam masala powder , immediately cover the pan and let it stand  for 5 - min. Serve  hot with steamed rice.

While you are enjoying the Kerala Crab Curry, you are forgot the other dishes!

"I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest - Indian Subcontinent hosted by Chef and Sommelier."


  1. sedapnya ketam, baru2 ni saya masak gulai lemak je kak..boleh try resepi ni :)

  2. sedapnya...ketam masak apa2 ja pun sedap..

  3. sedappnya klu dapat ratah ketam kak Amie.. minggu lpas yana bt mee ketam.. aduss tergoda pulak tgk yg nii ^__^

  4. Now wonder suddenly N3 in english. Good luck Amie. So tempting see the photos captured.

  5. Amie..singgah makan ketam masak kari Kerala..best!!! :)

  6. salam syg k.amie..slmat hr guru buat akk..alhaii tgok ketam ne jd kecur pgi2 ne..simpn resepi ..nnt bole cuba kak

  7. assalam amie,
    sedapnya ketam kerala tuuu..
    kita suka makan ketam masak kari..
    terasa2 kat lidah ni...huhu
    amie terima kasih for the recipe mango casablanca tu ya..kita dah buat 2x tau..
    sedapp sangat..kita dah postkan kat blog..;)

  8. Tihara,
    silakan.. sedap tau!

    rebus aje pun sedap kan... ratah puas - puas ha haah.

    sedap dia punya kuhanya tu

  9. Kak Zakie,
    suka-suka he heheh... BI dah lama berkarat nih.

    best in the world Ummi he hehehhe..


    silakan :)



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